The long-planned extension to the existing building will commence on 24 June and should be completed by the end of November. It will cause a few significant challenges and difficulties. For the duration of the work, the front door will be the only one used to access the building – the backdoor will be effectively unavailable.
- The main work compound is to be fenced off; it will be the footprint of Annex Extension plus, say, 1.5 m, so we will immediately lose those parking spaces. Staff and users would use the front car park until full, then utilise the school car park spaces or, if free, Ashdale Hall spaces (to the rear). The plan is to remove the ‘triangle’ outside the back door (and spruce tree) and make straight access for cars going to the back. So, there will be no short-term parking against ALDI until the work is well advanced!
- If this is safe and out-of-hours, the rear car park will be available for worshippers and user groups. (still entry to the front door).
- The contractor intends to locate his site portacabin/ container on the grass adjacent to Ashdale Hall. (Not fenced off)
- Several subcontractors are involved in the project, so we expect quite a range of contractor vans! They would park around the back.
- Once the lower car park is fully completed, we will have the option to use it.
Once the new backdoor is created and the annexe has its own door, the option of reopening the backdoor access will be considered.
There will be some short-term disruptions, such as installing a Velux window in our office or electrical rewiring and the like. You will be informed in advance.
There are no plans for changing our regular schedule of Masses and services, though access can be a bit more limited as we will have only a few front-door keys at our disposal.