Legion of Mary




The Legion of Mary is a lay apostolic association of Catholics, who under the leadership of Mary, serve the Church and the community on a voluntary basis. The Legion aims to glorify God by developing her members spiritually through prayers and active cooperation in apostolic work.


Weekly meetings are held on Monday evenings at 6 pm in the Prayer Room, Trinity Church, Westhill. Meetings consist of prayers (including the rosary), a sermon, reports, and discussions.

Contact: Eugene Ogosi

Tel: 07983125904


You can also consider becoming an Auxiliary member.

An Auxiliary member supports the Legion through their prayer, by saying the rosary daily and the prayers in the Legion of Mary Tessera daily (Tessera).

For general information on the Legion of Mary, please visit the website here: Legion of Mary

The Legion official handbook can be found here: Handbook

If you are interested in becoming an Auxiliary member, please contact Eugene.


The Legion is now meeting in person again but sstill offers a blended format for those wishing to attend online, again contact Eugene for more details.