Safeguarding Summary

On 8th September 2021 the Bishops’ Conference of Scotland (BCOS) issued an updated version of  “In God’s Image”,

The previous Safeguarding document was first issued in March 2018.

The revised document is known as “IGIv2”, it is intended “to explain and to direct the approach to Safeguarding that is practiced at every level of the Catholic Church”.

The full text of In God’s Image v2 can be found at:  or

Our Parish Safeguarding Coordinator is Mrs Anne Rae she can be contacted directly at

Here are a few excerpts from the revised document:


“Everyone in the Catholic Church in Scotland – especially those in positions of leadership and responsibility – values the lives, wholeness, safety, and well-being of each individual person within God’s purpose for everyone.

We seek to uphold the highest safeguarding standards in our relationships with people of all ages who are involved with the Church and its organisations.

As a Church community, we accept that it is the responsibility of all of us – ordained, professed, employed and volunteer lay people – to work together to uphold these safeguarding standards that have been designed to protect children and vulnerable adults from abuse or harm.”


We regard as our paramount concern the safety of children and vulnerable adults. 

We demonstrate zero tolerance of abuse. We report all allegations of abuse to the statutory authorities. 

We show compassion for all who have suffered experience of abuse. 

We acknowledge and learn from our past failings. 

We open our safeguarding procedures to independent scrutiny. 

We provide training and support to all who are responsible for safeguarding. 

Together we commit to continuous improvement in our safeguarding practice. 


Standard 1 Creating and maintaining safe Church environments 

Standard 2 Safely recruiting clergy, religious, lay employees and volunteers 

Standard 3 Responding to safeguarding concerns and allegations of abuse

Standard 4 Providing care and support for those who have experienced abuse

Standard 5 Managing and providing care for respondents to allegations of abuse 

Standard 6 Working together to develop a culture of care. Recognising that safeguarding responsibilities are intrinsic to Christian baptism and to the mission of the Church, we all work together, as ordained, consecrated and lay people, to develop a culture of care in the Church that says “never again” to every form of abuse

Standard 7 Training and support for all responsible for safeguarding

Standard 8 Planning for continuous improvement in safeguarding