Sacramental Classes

Getting children ready for the Sacraments of Reconciliation and Eucharist is super important to help them grow and mature in their Catholic faith. As parents, your role in this journey is crucial. Sacramental classes are an excellent way for them to understand their existing religious experiences, especially if they attend church regularly and live their faith every day. After all, learning about religion without having experiences to back it up just doesn’t cut it! That’s why we kindly ask parents to join their children in attending Sunday Mass when they sign up for sacramental classes. It’s a great way to support your child’s growth in the faith and make it a fun family event, too!

The general schedule for sacramental classes is that they will take place every week after Sunday Mass, aligning with the school breaks and holidays as set by Aberdeenshire Council. The classes will start after the Tattie Holidays, on 3rd November.

We plan to celebrate the First Communion Mass on Sunday, 15th June 2025.

Children must be seven years old (P4) or older to attend sacramental classes. If you want to register more than one child, please fill in the form separately for each one.