Pope Francis has asked us to become involved in our parish communities in a Year of Prayer activity in 2025. We plan to hold a series of community events during the Lenten period. It will be a seminar/study of our most commonly used prayer, “The Lord’s Prayer”. We plan four evening sessions of approx 90 minutes each in our chapel. It will be based on a recent globally successful “Catechism in a Year” podcast programme by Fr Mike Schmitz from Minnesota.
You may be surprised to find how much of our Christian heritage is behind this prayer we know and say so often. This programme will give you an in-depth understanding of this heritage in our faith and perhaps make you think and feel differently about how you say this prayer in future.
We tentatively planned to hold the event at 19:00 on the following dates:
- Wednesday 12 March
- Wednesday 19 March
- Thursday 27 March
- Thursday 03 April
As the programme podcasts are in sequence, it’s important to try to attend all four sessions as a community. We can give you a catch-up link if you miss one.
If you are considering attending, we would appreciate it if you could fill out the form below. This will help us get an idea of how many people to expect and assist us in acquiring enough resources so that everyone can receive a copy.