Jubilee 2025

Pope Francis has declared that next year, 2025, will be a Holy Year in the Universal Church and that 2024 should be a year of preparation for this great Jubilee.

The idea of Jubilee has its roots in the Old Testament, with a celebration of a year of forgiveness and reconciliation. The Sabbath was the seventh day, a day of rest, and the Jubilee year was the year following seven times seven years, so the Jubilee took place every 50th year. In the tradition of the Catholic Church, we now celebrate the Jubilee every 25 years. The Holy Year of 2025 will begin at the Christmas Vigil 2024 when the Holy Father will open the Holy Door of St Peter’s Basilica in Rome.

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Sacramental Classes

Getting children ready for the Sacraments of Reconciliation and Eucharist is super important to help them grow and mature in their Catholic faith. As parents, your role in this journey is crucial. Sacramental classes are an excellent way for them to understand their existing religious experiences, especially if they attend church regularly and live their faith every day. After all, learning about religion without having experiences to back it up just doesn’t cut it! That’s why we kindly ask parents to join their children in attending Sunday Mass when they sign up for sacramental classes. It’s a great way to support your child’s growth in the faith and make it a fun family event, too!

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St John Ogilvie Deanery Pastoral Council

Bishop Hugh has recently created a new deanery, which includes parishes from Moray and Aberdeenshire. These parishes range from Forres in the west to Peterhead in the east, and from Stonehaven in the south to Lossiemouth in the north. Fr Colin Stewart from St Sylvester’s in Elgin is the Dean of this new Deanery.

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Trinity Annexe Extension

The long-planned extension to the existing building will commence on 24 June and should be completed by the end of November. It will cause a few significant challenges and difficulties. For the duration of the work, the front door will be the only one used to access the building – the backdoor will be effectively unavailable.

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