WhatsApp Parish Channel

Unpredictable events can get in the way, like challenging weather or tricky road conditions striking unexpectedly. I suggest subscribing to the parish WhatsApp channel if you use the WhatsApp app. It’s a one-way communication tool used to make short-notice and last-minute announcements. You will remain anonymous.

Last week, I had to use the parish Whatsapp channel a couple of times to cancel weekday Masses in Westhill at short notice due to the tricky weather and driving conditions. It’s a good opportunity to renew the request to subscribe to our Parish WhatsApp Channel​​​​.

If you have already subscribed, you might need to check whether it’s muted (a default setting when subscribing) – if that’s the case, you will not be notified when a message is published. Follow these four steps:

  1. Launch WhatsApp on your device
  2. Tap the Updates icon to open the list of channels
  3. Tap the channel you want to check
  4. If the Bell icon is crossed over, tap it to unmute the channel

See the screenshots below; WhatsApp might look slightly different on your device, but the process is identical.



Subscribe to WhatsApp Parish Channel